
A happy little anecdote

So after my performance at Fierce Festival/Human Salvage last year, an audience member approached me who was extremely upset and offended by what she'd seen. I was pretty sure she was either going to start bawling or punch me in the face. Among other things, she accused me of emotionally scarring my darling volunteer Joe Baker. Joe, a student who came along to Human Salvage with his professors and fellow students, was asked to assist me in the performance before the show. He was given a general sense of what might happen, but no specifics. The angry audience member berated me for "forcing" Joe to do everything he did on stage, for subjecting a poor unknowing student to my disgusting and offensive actions, and for causing he and his friends to leave early because I "ruined his clothes" (which I didn't, right Joe?) After the show, but before hearing from this angry prude, I thanked Joe and made sure he was ok, and he seemed absolutely happy and fine. But I hadn't spoken to him since being accused of blighting his innocence.

Today I was happily vindicated. When I asked him if I could post a video from the performance of his reactions to the ketchup scene (click here to see it), he responded as follows:

"yess thats no problem at all! ... thank you very much for considering me before putting it up. after my experience with the performance, i am attempting to head into the world of live art myself- with my dissertation performance including a work quite similar to Dominic's performance in human salvage (the tattoo part.)
i know it's a long shot, but i would love to invite you to the performance, (it revolves around people who have had an effect on my life during my University experience - i would say you are definitely one!)
So if your in the UK around April time , maybe you would consider it?
Thank you once again for the opportunity and for opening my eyes!!!
Joe xx
p.s :- is it obvious i heave during the egg bit? LOL"

Yay for Joe!!!!!!!!

and yay for me for being right. as always.

and now that Joe has read this, he says: "ohh i would also like to add, i left early due to the fact i was booked to DJ round at a nightlcub 2 mintues away called Subway City!...