

January 26, 2014 at 03:28PM

from Facebook
via IFTTTcan anybody think of a performance/artist/etc. that recycles images, ideas, anything from other pieces of art/performance, pop culture, anything, etc. in a way that makes it about appropriating and re-writing the meaning of those signs (besides me) ?? and besides ryan trecartin


January 23, 2014 at 04:38PM

from Facebook
via IFTTTQuestion to all female performers/artists etc. – I need some firsthand evidence for chapter 2 of my thesis, so anything you've got could be helpful : Does anyone have anything written about them or to them (review, email, etc.) that does any of the following: 1) calls you a whore; 2) asks you to apologize for your work; 3) expresses displeasure with you being naked and speaking, being naked and doing something un-virtuosic, or being naked and not being punished/suffering? La Congelada de Uva, Julia Bardsley, Lucy McCormick, Amanda Hull, anyone else? xxx